2015. 9. 29. 04:27ㆍShared Fantasy/Culture
High School students facing north at 0 mph on Sepulveda Boulevard in Westwood, California at 3 01 p.m. on a Saturday in February 1997
1997년 2월의 어느 토요일, 오후 3시 1분에 캘리포니아 웨스트우드에서 북쪽으로 향하는 빨간 차에는 10대들이 타고 있었다. 1982년 사진 전공으로 예일대를 졸업한 사진가 앤드류 부시(Andrew Bush)의 사진에는 해당 연도, 요일, 위치 그리고 피사체가 달리던 차의 속도까지 함께 기록되어 있다. 로스앤젤레스의 동서를 횡단하는 길 위에서 1989년부터 1997년까지 약 10년간 그의 옆을 지나가는 차들을 기록한 앤드류 부시.
구체적으로 일시와 장소까지 함께 기록한 그의 사진들은 대부분 비슷한 구도와 기법으로 하나의 시리즈 <Vector Portraits> 임을 명확히 한다. 차종, 컬러, 운전자를 바꿔 마치 연출한 게 아닌지 의심까지 들 정도. 이 시리즈 외에도 그의 사진들은 대부분 고정적인 구도에서 서로 다른 컬러나 프레임으로 담긴 사진들이다. 마치 '강박'을 가진 것처럼 말이다.
Woman gliding southeast at 64 mph on U.S. Route 101 near Santa Barbara at 4 39 p.m. sometime in March 1990
Beverly Hills high school students cruising west at 38 mph along Sunset Boulevard on a weekend in February 1997
Man drifting northwest at approximately 68 mph on U.S. Route 101 somewhere near Camarillo, California, one evening in 1989
Woman waiting to proceed south at Sunset and Highland boulevards, Los Angeles, at approximately 11:59 a.m. one day in February 1997
Man continuing east at 67 mph on Interstate 10 near Palms Boulevard in Los Angeles at 4:14 p.m. in February 1991
Family traveling northwest at 63 mph on Interstate 244 near Yale Avenue in Tulsa, Oklahoma at approximately 4:15 p.m. on the last day of 1991
Woman taking her time rambling south at 63 mph on the Hollywood Freeway near the Vine Street exit in Los Angeles
on a Saturday afternoon in 1991
Man driving southwest at approximately 72 mph on Interstate 40 in Arizona on an afternoon of the July 4th weekend in 1989
Man driving west at 23 mph down a yet-to-be-named dirt road, around lunchtime, during a construction boom in Las Vegas in June of 1989
Man drifting near the shoulder at 61 mph on Interstate 405 around the Getty Drive exit at 4:01 p.m. on a Tuesday in September 1992
Man going northeast at 71 mph on Interstate 40 outside of Phoenix on a Monday morning in January 1991
Man heading north at 66 mph on the Harbor Freeway in Los Angeles on an afternoon in 1989
Man heading south at 73 mph on Interstate 5 near Buttonwillow Drive outside of Bakersfield, California, at 5 3:6 p.m.
on a Tuesday in March 1992
Man possibly returning from college at 71 mph along the Camino Real near San Julian Road outside of Goleta, California, at 3:33 p.m.
on a Saturday in June 1993
Man heading west at 78 mph on Interstate 10 near Palm Springs, California, sometime during an evening in 1990
Man ramping down from the Santa Monica Freeway to the northbound Harbor Freeway at 31 mph at 12 18 p.m. on a Saturday afternoon in 1995
Man rolling along on U.S. Route 101 at approximately 55 mph on a summer day in 1989.S. Route 101 at approximately 55 mph
on a summer day in 1989
Man traveling southbound at 67 mph on U.S. Route 101 near Montecito, California, at 6:31 p.m. on or around Sunday, August 28, 1994
Man traveling southeast at approximately 68 mph on U.S. Route 101 someplace in Southern California in the winter of 1997
Man traveling southeast on Route 101 at approximately 71 mph somewhere around Camarillo, California, on a summer evening in 1994
Person driving somewhere in the last decade of the previous millennium (whereabouts unknown)
Woman caught in traffic while heading southwest on U.S. Route 101 near the Topanga Canyon Boulevard exit, Woodland Hills, California,
at 5:38 p.m. in the sumer of 1989
Woman wheeling down Sunset Boulevard at 34 mph in Beverly Hills on an afternoon in the summer of 1990
Women racing southwest at 41 mph along 26th Street near the Riviera Country Club, Pacific Palisades, California,
at 1:14 p.m. on a Tuesday in February 1997